Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sadie is 8 Weeks Old

Happy birthday to Sadie Bug Stoneking!

"Sadie Bug" is the official and permanent name we chose for her when we completed her AKC registration online today.

The name Sadie was a name that Crystal and I were kicking around in the car when we went to pick her up from the breeder. We were also strongly considering the names Lucy and Sophie, but the name Sadie fit her best.

Her middle name "Bug" is in remembrance of our male ShihTzu Dexter. As Dexter got older, his eyes began to bug out so we nicknamed him Buggy. Dexter passed away on January 19th and we got Sadie just one day later.

Here are a few birthday pics from today at 8 weeks old!

Sadie, our Golden Retriever Pup - 8 Weeks Old

Sadie Loves the Snow

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Raising a Golden Retriever Puppy is Hard Work

It's been almost 2 weeks since we brought our puppy home and we have had lots of highs and lows.

Today, I spent most of the day saying "Sadie no." She's just so busy... busier even than my one year old niece.

Our main issue is the constant chewing on things. We're spraying her unacceptable choices with bitter apple, but she just goes out and find new unacceptable choices.

Here's a pic of our pup from today. She's 7 weeks and 8 days old.

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Friday, February 1, 2013

Sadie Loves the Snow

Here are some pictures of Sadie enjoying her first "snow day". She was happy to have us both home and even happier to be out playing in the white stuff.

Sadie, our Golden Retriever puppy, is 7 weeks and 5 days old today.

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